Do you “Got Bats” in your attic? Bats are a great and vital animal to Virginia ecosystem, they can eat almost their body weight in insects each night. But bats are not a very important part of the ecosystem of your attic, in fact you do not want any type of ecosystem in your attic.

Bats in Attic
There are multiple ways to tell if you have bats in your attic, such as simply standing outside at dusk and looking for the bats to fly out. Most people can hear the bats in the attic or walls when they are crawling around, also inspecting your attic for bats or signs of bats such as guano. If in fact you “got bats” in your attics do not harass them, they are a rabies vector species and you do not want to go through rabies shots. Bad guano is also a health hazard as it contains a fungus that will get in your lungs and is sometimes fatal called histoplasmosis. The link below will explain histoplasmosis in more details.
Bats are evicted from structures not caught and released. You must seal and hole in your house bigger than a 1/4″ and attach bat exclusion tubes to the main exit points this allows the bats to exit and not reenter. If there is any substantial amounts of guano it should be removed by licensed professionals. This is a very extensive process, it is very difficult to make sure you seal every hole. Instead of trying it on your own and missing some entry points call Jesse James Critter Gitters. We are licensed and highly experienced in evicting bats and removing guano using the most up to date materials and technologies to evict the bats and keep them out in the future. Also if you have a bat in the inside the living space in your house call us for immediate removal of the bat.